The staff of Holiday Homes Salento visiona and select preventively all housing solutions to secure the information published.
The individual tourist lease contracts occur in any event between the owner and tenants
2) HOLIDAY HOME FEATURES AND PRICESThe buildings on the site HOLIDAY HOUSES Salento are essentially private structures used for tourism. For the characteristics of housing, The maximum number of beds, services including, as documented by the on-line detailed profile. All houses are furnished and have a kitchen or kitchenette (dishes, pots, fridge) except in a bed & breakfast. The set of appliances (washing machine, dishwasher, tv etc.) It is indicated in the description of each accommodation.
3) LEASEThe property is leased exclusively to meet the housing needs of a transitory nature, for tourist purposes, Therefore, the ratio is meant from now solved its expiry, without any notice. The minimum rental is one week, from Saturday to Saturday, while the maximum period shall not exceed thirty days. Arrivals and departures during the week must be agreed in advance. Check-in ore 17.00 / 20.00, check out later than the hours 10.00 (unless otherwise arranged with the owner).
4) HOW TO BOOKTo book send an INFORMATION REQUEST RESERVATION or directly from the card del'limmobile . You will be contacted by telephone to define the terms of booking and, below, You receive the proposed lease with the details for the payment of penitential deposit (ex art. 1386 the commercial code). The balance will be paid at the beginning of stay, after taking housing vision and booked together with the signing of the lease for tourism purposes with the proprietor of the (or his).
5) PRICESThe leases prices are per accommodation and per week and include the use of water, and light gas and final cleaning (unless otherwise indicated). I not included in the price bed linen and towels and any air conditioning costs (unless otherwise indicated).
6) DEPOSITIn the detailed information sheet for each published property it indicates the amount of the security deposit to be paid on arrival. The deposit will be returned at the end of the stay less any damage or failure of any kind or nature caused to the, its appurtenances, installations, furniture and / or mobile. If the damage caused should exceed the amount paid as deposit, the customer will be required to claim additional damages. If you want to anticipate your departure, before hours 7.00 on the agreed date, the owner or his employee is authorized to refund the deposit later (less any damage and additional expenses) thus allowing the overall damage inspection.
7) NUMBER OF PERSONThe lessee will provide the owner or his representative a list of all the names of people who will occupy the property. A number higher than the number of the confirmed reservation, It will be grounds for termination of the contract with the consequent loss of the amounts paid. To the owner or his representative is given the opportunity to check, during the stay, the actual number of people who use the area.
8) PETSPets allowed on the indicating: “Pets Allowed”. You must disclose when booking any pets in tow, indicating the number and size. Where you will be allowed an additional supplement (indicated in its property sheet). It is obliged to monitor every moment of your stay your pets.
9) ORDER – CLEANINGThe accommodations are delivered clean and in perfect order. When you leave the kitchenette / kitchen / kitchenette must be left clean and free of garbage, besides the bathrooms in a normal state of order. Otherwise the owner is obliged to charge an extra expense that will be directly deducted from your security deposit.
10) EXTERNAL MAINTENANCEIn the presence of the garden, swimming pool, park or outdoor areas equipped with green, the owner or his representative, It is allowed access to carry out essential maintenance.
11) CHANGES – CANCELLATIONSThe possibility of any changes, to bookings already concluded, They will be evaluated individually. A departure before the expiry date of the stay, It does not provide any right to a refund of the rental cost. In case of cancellation the holiday maker shall pay the following sums as penalty:
- cancellation made up to 30 days prior to arrival: It will keep the deposit already paid.
- cancellation made up to 15 days prior to arrival: 60% of the rent.
IMPORTANTFollowing delivery of the keys, take responsibility and custody of the leased premises, you can not make any changes, innovation, improvement or addition of any kind, and you agree to return them in the same state in which they poured upon delivery.
- Report any shortages or damage found at the beginning of stay.
- The customer is required to control, where there, inventory of the furniture and kits affixed to the property and report to the lessor any deficiencies or damage found, within 24 hours before the arrival.
- Do not leave taps running to avoid the sudden emptying of tanks and therefore damage to the autoclaves; It is forbidden to use tap water to wash your car.
- Do not dirty the walls and mattresses; to avoid introducing into the toilet diapers, absorbent or other type of paper other than the toilet in order to prevent clogging and damage.
- The apartment is provided with counter ENEL low power: do not turn on heater simultaneously, hairdryer, or other electrical resistances.
- The kitchen is powered by a gas cylinder that will please carefully reseal after use.
- It recommends the use of air conditioning and heating (if available) with the diligence of a good father: Any excessive consumption will be deducted from the deposit.
- Do not disturb neighbors with noise or rowdiness pm 15 at 17 and the hour 24 on.
View the standard contract: